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K Creation that is used as a profile picture on many of my socials

Hi, my name is Kayla! I'm a very creative person, so I've created this site to share some of my creations with you! The picture to the left or above on mobile is one of my creations that I use as a profile picture for my personal socials! You'll find the butterfly on the website's socials!

Me wearing a Deligracy Sweatshirt

My Story

As I said above I'm a very creative person, because of that I've always liked designing and even thought about going to school for Interior Design. I ended up going to school for something a little bit more logical and got my BS Degree in Business Administration with an Emphasis in Management. Yes, it's kind of boring, but I've always wanted to own a business someday. I think my parents inspired this because when I was a little girl they owned an Art Gallery. Maybe someday I will have my own business, but at this point in my life I'm not sure on that anymore. I'm kind of just letting life take me where it wants to.


Whatever the case may be, I like creating things. I haven't done as much painting, sewing and doing other projects as much lately because I've been using my free time to Create in the Sims 4. I plan on creating a different website for all my Sims Creations!


I very much enjoy creating things for myself and for other people. I can't tell you how many pillow forms I've sewn for myself, but I've also created pillow cases for both my Grandpa's, and a baby blanket and burp clothes for my nephew! Yay, I'm finally an auntie! I've always liked painting and have created many canvases over the years, but my mom and I started doing paint classes and we love it! It's so much fun to learn other people's techniques and paint things I thought I'd never try! I have so many fake succulents and it was fun putting them together, that I can't wait to try some real ones! Diamond Painting is a new favorite of mine, I've done so many for gifts and for myself and have many more to do! I have a long project list and can't wait to start working on it again and sharing them with you!


Life outside of crafting and the Sims, well I guess I don't have much of one! Just kidding, I work full-time at a Retail Store; in which I'm not the biggest fan of my job anymore; I'm finally trying to find something new that I can do from home! I've never really had many friends, I'm probably one of the biggest introverts you'll ever meet besides my mom! The few I do have, I met at this job, hopefully we'll stay in contact! 


I have kind of a weird big happy family. My parents divorced when I was still pretty young, my mom never remarried and I'm still living with her since I can't afford not to. Bright side, we're finishing the basement and I'm going to move down there! My dad, however is married so I have a step-mom, who likes to call me her Bonus Daughter. She has provided me with a part-time job of doing Office Assistant work for her since she's busy living her Best Mary Kay Life! She has two daughters, both younger than me, one married and had a baby boy last year, and one who is free spirited! I also have a brother, who is younger than me and clearly knows how to plan financially better than me because he has his own home with his wife, dog, two cats and chickens! I love getting to animal sit when they go out of town, especially because their house is close to work! His wife, started an online yoga and fitness practice during the pandemic! At the beginning of the year they opened a physical Studio, which is inspiring and freakin' awesome! Link below if you want more information! I definitely need to get my butt there more frequently!


I'm really excited to get working on this website! I have lots of things I want to accomplish this year with Sims and in general! Hope you enjoy the website! 

Flow Fit Yoga and Fitness Logo that goes to their website
Me wearing a Flow Fit Sweater
Life Updates

Life Updates

October 2022

I didn't want to change My Story above, so I thought I could add updates down here instead! As you can tell, I added a Shop function to the website!!! Yay!! That's probably one of the best decisions I've made in a while! Along with deciding to be done with my Retail job, it ended up getting to be too much for my mental and physical health. I wanted to be able to spend more time creating and sharing with all of you! And since I don't need to have all these items to myself, I thought why not start selling them!


So far, everything is looking better! I'm happy and don't hate going to work everyday! I make my own schedule and can work anytime I want to! It means not having to say "no" when someone asks if I want to do something!!! It also means that I can hopefully get things done quicker and up on here for you!

 November 2022

Even though I've been able to keep myself pretty busy, working from home and at the library I'm struggling a bit. I probably should have stayed on part-time so that I had some income coming in...


Bright side, I've signed up for Rover and Upwork, in hopes of getting a little income! I maybe should have planned a little bit better, but I'm so much happier now and have been able to get into good routines, still working on a couple as well. I also keep applying for more work from home jobs, so hopefully something pans out there as well! I think I want to update you all on a monthly basis, it's kind of fun!


Sorry we haven't added more items up here recently, we've been working on a lot of background information and getting things all nice for you! We finally got back into creating a bit and sharing on Instagram, follow us there to stay up to date on a daily basis! I've also decided to take The Sims 4 pages off and possibly will create a new website for it!

 December 2022

Despite having my own business being a dream of mine someday, I think right now it’s just not going to work. There’s just so much that goes into it that I don’t have the capability of doing that right now. I need to get my life in order a bit before I can fully commit to having a small business. This is the best decision for us right now.


We’re going back to basics; Our Creations will continue to be shared across all our platforms! However, a few pieces will be on Facebook Marketplace. Links are already set up; I might even end up adding a few more. As you can see, I decided to keep the Donate part in case anyone feels like taking pity on me.

January 2023

I wish that I had an actual life update to share, but honestly, I can’t think of anything new for you…


As you can see though, the Succulent Diamond Paintings are finished and are both on here and YouTube. If you remember the Sneak Peeks, the full card is on here and some videos on YouTube as well! This weekend I hope to start doing more keychains, get some sewing done and possibly a few more tutorials!

February 2023

Sorry the update is coming so late this month. Mid-January, two days before my birthday I slipped on ice and broke two bones in the ankle area. At the end of the month I had surgery and that week I slept a lot. Now I’m out of the cast and in a boot, I can’t put weight on it for another month, but have a couple very light exercises to do. I can’t wait to be fully recovered and get back to normal life.


Because of all of this, I haven’t found a way to craft and record to share with you here and on YouTube. I hope to be able to figure it out soon, stay tuned.

If you have any questions or want to know more, check out my Socials or Contact Me!


© 2023 by K's Creation Destination

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